You Deserve A Break

Get Ready!

You've taken the first step and decided that you deserve a career break. You also deserve full-service coaching that will lead to a defined plan for your break. I'm at your service!

Career Break Coach

I'm Frances

I help black women take career breaks to rest, renew, and reshape their lives. After experiencing a life-changing career break, I now provide 1:1 career break guidance to black women who desire a break from work and the day-to-day grind.

Help Me Plan My Break!

What You Can Expect

* A three-month comprehensive program covering all aspects of your break
* An individualized plan focused on your desires for your break
* Bi-monthly virtual 1:1 working meetings
* Email contact as needed throughout the planning period
* Career break tools, tips, and resources

That's not all!

Add On Options

Need more support? Add ons available:
* Extra hours to use as needed
* Up to 2 months ongoing support

My Wish For You

Reward yourself

You're a mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend who takes care of everyone and everything. Now it's time to pour into yourself, to invest in yourself. You deserve something special just for you. You deserve a break.